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Tous les épisodes > Rohini Anandamurugan, The growth of a product manager from seed to series A and B

Rohini Anandamurugan, The growth of a product manager from seed to series A and B

Épisode #58 | Publié le 6 mars 2024

Rohini Anandamurugan

Rohini Anandamurugan ran the first ever squad of Coinhouse.

She lived the growth of this French scale-up from series A to series B from within!

Today, she’s back as a first product manager in the startup Koala Insurance.

In this episode of Just a Click, we talk about the challenges faced by product managers at the different stages that a startup can be in.

We discuss in particular the role of the PM in seed to series A to series B.

Finally, we touch upon the specificities (and fun!) of working with French people being from a different culture.

Enjoy listening!

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Just a Click c'est le podcast français du Product Management. On y parle de Tech, de Design et de Business.

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